Last day of baseball

It was a sad day to be finishing up baseball.  These have been Richie's favorite Saturday mornings.  Coach Dom was a trip, but the kids did learn a lot.  Today was a kids/parents game.  In the middle of practice we ran to the Bruins parade and then ran back in time to see the kids beat the parents (8-2 is what Richie says!).  After practice Coach bought us all pizza and we had a cake to celebrate this birthday.  We have also spent these days getting to know the Hamwey's better.  They are my friend Mary Beth from high school's family.  Vivian was on Richie's team and you can see Angela with her friend Charley (Caroline).  Older sister Brigid was at the parade, but usually she reads her way through practice.  We can't wait for some trips to the pool with them again this summer. You can also see a pretty good hit in the video below.  Richie was the best hitter on the team BY FAR!  Pretty proud of himself.


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