Christmas morning 2011

The day had finally come and it seems everyone had been good this year!  Richie got new skies and the Beyblades and umbrella he wanted.  He also got a signed picture of Tim Thomas holding the Stanley Cup.  Angela got her Dora Scooter, a big girl clock and a new hat she kept on all day.  We bought the kids a karaoke machine which was also a hit and already has had a lot of use.  Also, Uncle Eddie and Kevin got another new flat screen TV.  THIS time we hope they use it upstairs.  And the "big" boys all got the hockey jerseys they wanted.  I know Christmas isn't about the presents, but it is hard to say it isn't a big part for the kids.  The look on the their faces is priceless!  I do feel like they love spending so much time with family, but they also work hard to be good to get the new toys they want.



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